Sunday, August 28, 2016

Snoqualmie Falls and Moving Across the State

So I've been busy relocating. I'm saying goodbye to the islands and mountains, and hello to the desert! I start my new job tomorrow and will be moving into a house in a couple weeks! It's a new chapter in my life. That's why there's been a distinct lack of posts. I'm going through big changes, so my energies are taken up.

On my way over the mountains, I did stop briefly to hike at Snoqualmie Falls, though.

The falls are just a short detour off of I-90.

From the upper lot, there's a short hiking trail that is about half a mile long and drops around 200 feet to the river.

It's short, but fairly steep. Along the way, you can read about various native flora, including their Snoqualmie names and what their traditional uses were.

At the bottom, the boardwalk will take you past some more modern hydroelectric utilities.

The lookout from the bottom is truly gorgeous. I prefer it over the more crowded upper lot lookout. 

Of course, the climb back is a bit of a workout, but again, it's short.

I do hope to explore more trails in the central Cascades now that I have moved down here. I am going to miss the trees and the ocean. I will make it back when I can, but I also have lots of new area to explore in my new home. Once I am finished resettling, I look forward to exploring as much as I can!

For now, here's a preview of a short hike I did today. Welcome to the desert!