Thursday, July 20, 2017

Lots of little lizards - Cowiche Mountain via Snow Mountain Ranch

I've hiked a lot of Cowiche Canyon since I moved here, but I hadn't explored the most recent acquisition of the Cowiche Canyon Conservacy: Snow Mountain Ranch. This land has a whole network of trails so you can make a hike here as short or long as you want. I made a loop that was 5.7 miles long and went all the way up Cowiche Mountain. I haven't explored the other trails yet, but here's the loop I've done so far:

Snow Mountain Ranch
Cowiche Canyon Conservacy
Parking permit: none needed
Distance: 5.7 miles
Elevation gain: 1140'
To get to Snow Mountain Ranch, take Summitview Ave west out of Yakima. As you head out of town, you'll see trailhead signs to Rocky Top and Cowiche Canyon, which are other CCC lands. About 1.7 miles past Weikel Road (there's a log-cabin veterinary clinic at the corner, and it's the turn-off for Cowiche Canyon), you'll take a left on Cowiche Mill Road. Follow it out for about two miles until you see the signed trailhead on the left.

Start out on the entry tail, crossing the creek as Cowiche Mountain looms in the background.

You'll start off in a cool riparian area. Following the signs toward Cowiche Mountain West and Wildflower Trail, you can view some of the old homestead that once stood here.

I branched off of Cowiche Mountain West and took Wildflower Trail. It looks like it gives a steadier, more gradual climb. There were not many wildflowers when I went, but I am sure it is far more colorful earlier in the spring.

Two bathtubs serve as wildlife water troughs.

Dog was not thrilled to pose for this shot.

I found a single solitary patch of gooseberries on the trail. No where else did I see any berry plants (though I confess, I'm not familiar with all the plant species east of the Cascades yet, so I may have overlooked something).

After a mile Wildflower Trail rejoins Cowiche Mountain West. You can take Bench Trail here for a shorter loop, or continue on to the summit. The western trail to the summit is even and well maintained.

The summit gives you a good view of the western part of the valley. It abuts state land, marked by a fence and a wildlife gate.

There's a bench that provides a nice little picnic spot before descending down Cowiche Mountain East. Erosion has rutted out this trail, making it a more difficult descent. It is in need of some TLC soon.

Cowiche Mountain East also had lots of little lizards scurrying about. My dog picked up a couple and was disappointed I made him drop them.

I took Riparian Trail East as I looped back to the car. It follows the creek and provides a bit more greenery than the steppe brush habitat of the hill.

The grasses along the trail were tall and the trail was slightly overgrown, but I was able to follow it all the way.

I can't wait to come back to Snow Mountain Ranch and explore the other trails!

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